Monday, 22 October 2007

Free Listings Report Competition

Hi Everyone,

To promote my recently released report
I am running a competition.

The competition has four independant
challenges each one ending a week apart.

Each of the winners will receive my next product free
as soon as it is available (I cannot reveal yet if this is
going to be an eBook, or software)

To enter the competition please post your name here
Challenge 1 and 2 - entries can be PM'd to me in any
forum I'm in.

You can start your entry for them all straight
away if you like (except for 4b).

Post your entries for Challenge 3 and 4 as well so

people can tag
them etc.



The challenges are:

1) Best list of 10 search keywords/phrases for promoting The Free Listings Report.
Order them with one you think is best at the top down
to the least best at the bottom.
eg 'Cut your eBay charges', 'Reduce Ebay Fees' etc
Ending 5pm GMT 17th October

2) Best Affiliate Tool
(Sales Email, Signature, Banner or anything else)
Ending 5pm GMT 24th October

3) Highest Ranked Lens

(By Squidoo rank number not by search results)
Ending 5pm GMT 31st October

4) Highest place on Google for search terms:
a) "Free Listings Report"
b) The top term from the challenge 1 winner's list.
This will offer everyone a chance to use the Colm's
Search Domination Challenge eBook.
Ending 5pm GMT 7th November

(If the winner of a challenge has already won a
previous challenge then the prize will go to the
next highest placed entrant who hasnt won so that
there will be five winners.)

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